Bird Watching in Canada
Canada is a top birding, bird watching and migration route for many species of birds in North America
Top birding destinations in Canada's provinces and territories
Bird watching in Canada attracts tens of thousands of birders to Canada every year. Many birders arrive with all the bird watching toys too, including their bird watching field guides, birding vest, comfy foot wear, wide brimmed hat, bird song apps, camera with wide angle lens, and binoculars. According to the Canadian Geographic there are 350 bird species found in Eastern Canada, and more than 400 species found in Western Canada.
Canada Adventure Seekers
Bird Watching | British Columbia || Alberta || Yukon || Northwest Territories || Manitoba || Ontario |
Coming Soon | New Brunswick || P.E.I. || Nova Scotia || Newfoundland || Quebec |
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Seasons For Bird Watching in Canada
Canada bird watching is enjoyed best in the fall and spring seasons during migration season. There are hundreds of species of waterfowl, song birds, shorebirds, marine birds and predator birds living in Canada and migrating to and from Canada every year. There are many communities in Canada which fall under the migration path of birds. These bird migration routes are called flyways. The best time to view birds is, generally, in the mornings. Like you and I most birds sleep at night and wake up hungry.
Bird Habitat in Canada
What attracts birds to Canada are the abundance of wetlands, bogs, marshes, lakes, rivers and oceans spread out across our country. Many of our lakes, islands, bogs, wetlands are popular birding destinations for resting and feeding during a migration, as well as for nesting birds.
Bird Watching Areas
The birdwatching destinations in Canada are sometimes fitted for birding groups. Some Wildlife Management Areas, parks and protected wetlands include hiking trails, birding blinds, lookout towers, information centres and interpretive billboards. Most provide bird checklists for quick identification of the bird species located in the region.
Birding Clubs & Guides in Canada
For the more determined, experienced birder there are birding clubs and birdwatching guides available in many of the communities in Canada. Birding clubs in Canada often plan regular, scheduled birdwatching adventures throughout the year. Many clubs welcome newcomers who are interested in joining them in their birding experience. Some tours are birdwatching-only adventures while other popular adventures like hiking, kayaking, canoeing and boating will, most likely, turn into a birding experience as well.
Bird Watching in Canada

Some Canada Birdwatching Tips
- bring hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
- bring camera, video and binoculars.
- pick up a birding checklist from information centres.
- bring bug repellant.
- contact birding clubs for additional information.
- read about local birds prior to your birding adventure.
- wear good shoes.
- contact tour groups for next tour times.
- ask questions if partaking in tours.
- plan your birding destinations.