Winter TOP 100 In Canada List
Winter sometimes gets a bad rap. But for those of us who love snow and ice, it could not happen fast enough.
“… spring is just around the corner so make the best of it!”
Winter Top 100 in Canada List: There are so many reasons to get outside and love the winter season in Canada. If you do not like the chilly outdoors, do not kid yourself, there is still plenty of indoor activities and events to investigate as well. With the right attitude, some warm clothing and a destination the season of snow and ice can easily become an exciting and beautiful season of changing landscapes, frozen waterways and expanding interests.
Winter Top 100 Is Not For Everyone
There are those among us, called snowbirds, who leave Canada every winter for warmer climates… which is not a problem, nor am I slighting them in anyway. It is what makes them happy and that is number one. Besides each snowbird has their reason, some being medical, some are psychological and some just do not like the winter season. OK, no problem. There is nothing wrong with leaving a Canadian winter behind, if it does not suit you.
Canadian Hibernation
My appeal is directed at those who cannot afford to fly to warmer climates to live. This group can learn to love a Canadian winter. We all know them, the ones who prefer to play hibernation during the winter season. It does not have to be this way? If snow and ice is not your thing then there are the indoor events, functions and interest groups. Join one. Attend one. Just do something. Take advantage of this slower time. Winter should be your season to sightsee, experiment, meet new people and find new interests. Many are listed in our Winter Top 100 in Canada list below. Here are 3.
- attend an indoor event
- join a community group
- attend a community function
Winter TOP 100 in Canada Reasons To Love Snow & Ice
Lets get down to brass tacks here. Time to pull no punches being that we are winter enthusiasts. Here are our Winter Top 100 in Canada Reasons why we love this cold, icy, snowy and sometimes miserable weather season.
- time with family and friends
- disconnecting from technology
- the first snow
- the last snow
- Canadian maple syrup
- snow cones
- wearing my favourite toque
- wearing my favorite toque indoors
- big, long icicles dripping
- walking snow covered forested trails
- eggnog
- hot springs in the snow
- fireplaces
- dog sledding the winter wonderland
- winter outdoor bonfires
- the crackle of wood
- big rubber boots
- ugly sweaters
- catching snowflakes on my tongue
- making a snowman and then tackling it
- snowball fights
- easy to meet people because everyone is talking about the weather
- snowshoeing
- wearing pajama pants all day
- winter hiking
- winter slippers
- snowboarding powder
- hot chocolate
- birding during peak migration season
- wearing my scarf
- home made soup
- Xmas parties
- hot tubs
- that point in time when your car is finally warmed up
- cuddling with someone special
- read more books
- long johns
- walking while it is snowing
- growing a playoff beard
- star gazing on clear cool nights
- pub nights
- sleeping in
- mistletoe
- long hot baths
- big comforters
- seeing your breath in the winter air
- New Year resolutions
- learn a new hobby
- write stories
- snowmobiling
- splashing through big puddles
- attend winter festivals & events
- stormwatching
- movie night by the fire
- northern lights
- rainbows
- avoiding malls
- no mosquitoes
- big wool socks
- winter train sightseeing tours
- frozen waterfalls
- homemade maple taffy
- ice climbing
- attend an ice sculpture event
- fireworks
- iceberg season
- polar bears
- frozen lakes
- classic Christmas movies
- Christmas carols
- less neighbourhood traffic
- sharing a romantic bottle of wine
- beautiful clear blue skies after a big snow fall
- tourtiere (meat pie)
- candles
- ice fishing
- Xmas cards
- snow angels
- attending an art or theatre event
- turkey dinner
- Xmas spirit
- vehicle window ice scrappers
- mittens
- chap stick
- sledding
- smell of pine trees
- giving back
- ice castle
- CP Christmas Train
- catching up on the phone
- long hugs
- opening of presents
- play pond hockey
- fat biking
- rosy cheeks
- January 1st when everyone tries to be healthy
- January 2nd where everyone gives up
- trying to have fun with zero money in January
- celebrating January. The official first month of freedom before credit card bills come in
- Days off!!
Winter TOP 100 In Canada List
Best of Canadian Winters
Canadian Travel Influencer post by : Greg Girard

- #23 Top 1000 Global Travel Bloggers – Global Rise
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As Seen On: CBC, Huffington Post,, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Cottage Life Magazine,, Travel Industry Today, Yukon Life, TAPS Magazine, HUB Magazine
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