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Carnival of Lights 2022

Vernon, BC sadly, no longer has a downtown light-up. Instead, the Vernon Winter Carnival Society hosts a light-up at the...
Vernon, BC sadly, no longer has a downtown light-up. Instead, the Vernon Winter Carnival Society hosts a light-up at the Vernon Spirit Square Park (Vernon City Hall)!
Featuring activities for all ages, this family-friendly event happens from 5pm-8pm on Saturday, November 26th: WITH THE OFFICAL LIGHT UP AT 5:30 PM SHARP!

The lights will be shining all through December and be lite again for the 10 days of Winter Carnival from February 3-12 2023.
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    Carnival of Lights 2022

    Vernon, BC sadly, no longer has a downtown light-up. Instead, the Vernon Winter Carnival Society hosts a light-up at the Vernon Spirit Square Park (Vernon City Hall)!
    Featuring activities for all ages, this family-friendly event happens from 5pm-8pm on Saturday, November 26th: WITH THE OFFICAL L...
    Vernon, BC sadly, no longer has a downtown light-up. Instead, the Vernon Winter Carnival Society hosts a light-up at the Vernon Spirit Square Park (Vernon City Hall)!
    Featuring activities for all ages, this family-friendly event happens from 5pm-8pm on Saturday, November 26th: WITH THE OFFICAL LIGHT UP AT 5:30 PM SHARP!

    The lights will be shining all through December and be lite again for the 10 days of Winter Carnival from February 3-12 2023.
    26th Nov, 2022 5:00PM - America/Dawson_Creek
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