Pumpkin People in Kentville Nova Scotia Canada

Each year in October pumpkin people begin to appear in various places around the charming town of Kentville N.S. Each year tells a different story. In 2022 the theme is of a zoo.
13 October 2022 at   Kentville, NS, Canada
In Kentville N.S. you may see scenes like this in October each year. The pumpkin people have arrived.
13 October 2022 ·   1 year ago taken in   Kentville, NS, Canada
Kentville Nova Scotia celebrates Hallowe'en with pumpkin people and zoo animals.
13 October 2022 ·   1 year ago taken in   Kentville, NS, Canada
Another zoo animal and more pumpkin people in Kentville N.S. Canada
13 October 2022 ·   1 year ago taken in   Kentville, NS, Canada
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