Tourism Nicola Valley - Merritt BC commented on this post about 1 year agoThis group will enjoy this. Greg Girard was interviewed by the local paper as a consultant for Tourism Nicola Valley about hosting a winter photo contest from now till the end of March. Thank you Greg for saying all the right words.
Thank you for the kind words.
Tell us more about the photo contest if it is open to those from outside Merritt.
Diana Mohrsen As long as the photo is winter in Nicola Valley and from this year ... yes you can enter.
EH Canada Marketing Group Can you clarify please? It said ehcanadatravel people could not enter though right? That includes adventure seekers IEH Canada Marketing Group Can you clarify please? It said ehcanadatravel people could not enter though right? That includes adventure seekers I assume? More ...
Greg Girard you rock!
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