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  •   Kim Kenyon reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Kitchener–Waterloo Oktoberfest, Ontario, Canada

    Come experience Kitchener-Waterloo's 9-day fun-filled Oktoberfest celebration.
    Octoberfest is Canada's Greatest Bavarian Festival celebrating over 50 years of great local tradition and is the second-largest Oktoberfest in the world.
    This festival is synonymous with friends, family, and having a...
    Come experience Kitchener-Waterloo's 9-day fun-filled Oktoberfest celebration.
    Octoberfest is Canada's Greatest Bavarian Festival celebrating over 50 years of great local tradition and is the second-largest Oktoberfest in the world.
    This festival is synonymous with friends, family, and having a GREAT time! Around Oktoberfest, it’s called “Gemütlichkeit”, a German word with no direct English translation, but essentially means “coziness”.
    Thousands of visitors celebrate annually in the festhallen and by attending one or more of our 40 family and cultural events.
    The festival’s events reach their climax when a colorful parade takes place on Thanksgiving Day October 10th on Weber Street.

    23rd Sep, 2022 11:00AM - America/Toronto
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