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  •   Janel Coe commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Samantha Sewell created a new event

    Downtown Vernon Gold Rush

    Last year this event had won the Vernon Winter Carnival Award for a best outdoor event. Downtown Vernon Gold Rush is the ultimate family scavenger hunt all across Downtown Vernon! Rush to figure out the clues for a chance to win a real gold nugget! The clues are brain teasers, so you may need to ...
    Last year this event had won the Vernon Winter Carnival Award for a best outdoor event. Downtown Vernon Gold Rush is the ultimate family scavenger hunt all across Downtown Vernon! Rush to figure out the clues for a chance to win a real gold nugget! The clues are brain teasers, so you may need to include family, friends, and maybe even a google search or two.
    All answers are found in Downtown Vernon, so you don't have to travel far!

    Admission is $10
    4th Feb, 2022 - America/Dawson_Creek
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