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Get ready for the 2023 Toronto St Patrick's Day Parade! On March 19, 2023 at 12pm the parade will start at the corner ...
Get ready for the 2023 Toronto St Patrick's Day Parade!
On March 19, 2023 at 12pm the parade will start at the corner of St. George Street and Bloor Street and ends at Nathan Phillips Square.

The Toronto St. Patrick’s Day Parade is the largest parade of its kind in Canada!

After a few small parades in the 1840s, this St. Patrick’s Day parade in Toronto dates back to the 19th century. In the 1870s the parades were abandoned, but come 1987 the parades were back!

This Toronto parade is one of the largest Saint Patrick’s Day parades in North America, attracting around 100,000 spectors annually.

Focused on celebrating the cultrue, heritage and history of Ireland with tons of bands, dancing, flags and many smaller spin-off events in the area, it is sure to be a great day in Toronto!

Experience over 100 colorful floats and numerous marching bands. Appreciate the bagpipe bands, dance groups, Irish societies, and many more community members taking part in the festivities.

Parade runs rain or shine!

Spectators are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Food Drive.

And feel free to dress in festive greens and shamrocks to add to the overall fun atmosphere! Toronto will be decorated with flags and will be a festive site to see!
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    Toronto St Patrick's Day Parade 2023

    Get ready for the 2023 Toronto St Patrick's Day Parade!
    On March 19, 2023 at 12pm the parade will start at the corner of St. George Street and Bloor Street and ends at Nathan Phillips Square.

    The Toronto St. Patrick’s Day Parade is the largest parade of its kind in Canada!

    After a few sm...
    Get ready for the 2023 Toronto St Patrick's Day Parade!
    On March 19, 2023 at 12pm the parade will start at the corner of St. George Street and Bloor Street and ends at Nathan Phillips Square.

    The Toronto St. Patrick’s Day Parade is the largest parade of its kind in Canada!

    After a few small parades in the 1840s, this St. Patrick’s Day parade in Toronto dates back to the 19th century. In the 1870s the parades were abandoned, but come 1987 the parades were back!

    This Toronto parade is one of the largest Saint Patrick’s Day parades in North America, attracting around 100,000 spectors annually.

    Focused on celebrating the cultrue, heritage and history of Ireland with tons of bands, dancing, flags and many smaller spin-off events in the area, it is sure to be a great day in Toronto!

    Experience over 100 colorful floats and numerous marching bands. Appreciate the bagpipe bands, dance groups, Irish societies, and many more community members taking part in the festivities.

    Parade runs rain or shine!

    Spectators are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Food Drive.

    And feel free to dress in festive greens and shamrocks to add to the overall fun atmosphere! Toronto will be decorated with flags and will be a festive site to see!
    19th Mar, 2023 12:00PM - America/Toronto
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