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Celebrate this holiday season at The Saskatoon Farm! This year marks our 6th annual Christmas Market. We are located jus...
Celebrate this holiday season at The Saskatoon Farm! This year marks our 6th annual Christmas Market. We are located just south of Calgary in Alberta.

With over 400 local small businesses over 3 weekends this year, your bound to find anything anyone might possibly want!
Not all 400 will be there at the same time. Each weekend will be a unique selection of local makers and creators joining in, making all 3 weekends a little different.

The event will take place both indoors and outdoors. Make memories with family and friends while warming up around roaring a fire.

Photos with Santa available for pre-booking. Santa will be at the market Dec 2-4 and Dec 9-11

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    The Saskatoon Farm 6th Annual Christmas Market

    Celebrate this holiday season at The Saskatoon Farm! This year marks our 6th annual Christmas Market. We are located just south of Calgary in Alberta.

    With over 400 local small businesses over 3 weekends this year, your bound to find anything anyone might possibly want!
    Not all 400 will be t...
    Celebrate this holiday season at The Saskatoon Farm! This year marks our 6th annual Christmas Market. We are located just south of Calgary in Alberta.

    With over 400 local small businesses over 3 weekends this year, your bound to find anything anyone might possibly want!
    Not all 400 will be there at the same time. Each weekend will be a unique selection of local makers and creators joining in, making all 3 weekends a little different.

    The event will take place both indoors and outdoors. Make memories with family and friends while warming up around roaring a fire.

    Photos with Santa available for pre-booking. Santa will be at the market Dec 2-4 and Dec 9-11

    25th Nov, 2022 9:00AM - America/Edmonton
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