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Mini adventure with crows in Surrey British Columbia Canada

By Diana Mohrsen in Canada 1396 views 22nd Aug, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   Surrey, BC, Canada

I've always been fascinated by crows, after finding out how intelligent they are. Then an adventure seeker in Merritt, Tania, posted a video about her pet crow. My imagination was ignited. Would I be able to make friends with crows?

I always provide a bowl of fresh water in the summer for any birds that might need it. Usually it is crows who visit. Could I get them to trust me? What might be possible? I started with a small bowl of table scraps daily. I noticed after some days that they no longer flew away if I was doing yardwork. 

Then I started whistling when I put out the food wondering what would happen. Sure enough, they now show up almost immediately when I put their dish under the tree. It's been a fun project and I'm curious to see what will happen over the autumn and winter. 

This puts birdwatching on a whole other level! 

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  • I went to leave the house this morning. There, waiting by the water dish, was one crow. I had to go back inside, put together a quick snack, andI went to leave the house this morning. There, waiting by the water dish, was one crow. I had to go back inside, put together a quick snack, and deliver it. Lol  More ...
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