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Preschoolers Review Pine Park Vernon BC

By Samantha Sewell in British Columbia 1291 views 27th Jun, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   Pine Park, Vernon, BC V1T 7S6, Canada

Pine park, locally refered to as "secret park" is a small little park located in east hill in Vernon BC! There are several "cool" things about this park, from the fact that it is in between around 6 houses that make a circle around it (the only entrance is small walkways), to the LARGE pine trees over head to the preschoolers favourite the spinning (I don't know what to actually call it) mary-go round donut thing?! The preschoolers from Raising Stars Preschool Ltd (owned by Adventure Seeker Samantha Sewell) all gave this park a "thumbs-up" which is how we are reviewing the parks! Stay tuned throughout the Summer and watch as the Preschoolers from Raising Stars review local parks, locations, tourist attractions they visit during their Summer-Fun Camp!

*Note: All children featured in Videos and pictures have sign social media and advertising approval from parents, any child who has a "no media block" will NOT be featured in any "preschoolers react" videos!

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