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Raising Stars Preschool Davidson Orchards Trip 2023

By Samantha Sewell in British Columbia 1364 views 28th Oct, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   3111 Davison Rd, Vernon, BC V1H 1A2, Canada

Davidson Orchards Pumpkin Patch

Raising Stars Preschool gets their Halloween On

Raising Stars Preschool took its annual trip to Davidson Orchards on October 29, 2023 in Vernon British Columbia Canada! Davidson Orchards is a perfect place for families and the public to experience fall flair, fun, and excitement, including a fall train/ tractor ride and you-pick pumpkins at a pumpkin patch. 

I think the pumpkin patch as always, is a big hit with our preschoolers!
This is exciting and fun for all ages. 

Davidson Orchards Pumpkin Patch
Vernon, BC, Canada Halloween Event

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