Tag Archive for: Nature

Small Town Tourism Program Wins International and Provincial Awards
eh Canada Marketing Group
Release #018
For Immediate Release
March 15, 2021
EH? Canada Marketing Group's "Experience Community Program" Small Town Tourism Initiative Wins International and Provincial Awards in…

Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may not have heard of
Best Beaches in Atlantic Canada
Beaches of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick Canada
"What are the best beaches in Atlantic Canada that you may have not heard of and are worth checking out?"
What are…

2019 Tourism Trends for Canada – ehCanadaTravel.com
2019 Tourism Trends for Canada
15 trends and traveler habits we should keep an eye on in 2019
"Emerging 2019 tourism trends are interesting considering all that is happening on so many different fronts domestically, internationally and technologically."

Community Blogging Grows Communities In A Positive Way
Community Bloggers Growing Communities
3 Days of Community Blogging Training Unleashes 4 More Merritt BC Bloggers
"... we just completed a second round of blog training with 4 new bloggers (plus 1) who are about to unleash their stories, experiences…

Merritt BC Canada Campground – Hammock Adventure
Hammock Adventure in Merritt BC Canada Campground
Golf cart 4x4ing around backcountry campground looking for ideal hammock location
"Merritt BC Canada Campground adventure with the host of the Moon Shadows Campground. We take part in some…

10 Photos : Youth Defying Nature Deficit Disorder
10 Photos: Nature Deficit Disorder
"Canada has the opportunity to be the last one standing with a green conscience."
While researching, writing and photographing Canada for our tourism website, blog and social media channels we have noticed…

Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions in Canada
Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions in Canada
Turning tragedy into solutions for beautification of our Parks.
Moose, black bear, grizzly, bobcat, wolverine, deer, elk, wolf, coyote, caribou, bighorn sheep, lynx, cougar, mountain goats, porcupine,…

Nature Conservancy of Canada Interview
eh Interview: Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).
“ Each province has its own rich culture and history that you can only really appreciate if you spend some time immersing yourself in these places.” Christine Beevis Trickett

Prairie Pixel Photography in Saskatchewan, Canada Interview
Interview: Prairie Pixel Photography, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"Besides doing portraiture, my passions are landscape and nature photography."
We would like to introduce you to Lori Bote of Prairie Pixel Photography from Saskatchewan, Canada.
Lori is…

“Why Live in Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada?”
Revelstoke, B.C., Canada (a.k.a. Revy)
"Why Live in Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada?"
Travel to the Kootenays and book, plan and research your travels to Revelstoke via our website at : www.ehcanadatravel.com/british-columbia/kootenays.html

Share Your Time with Nature – The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).
Interaction with Mother Nature has proven - over and over again - to positively alter a person's body, mind and overall well being.
A 2010 study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology indicates, "being outside in nature makes people…

Nature-Deficit Disorder
Too much of one thing is never good for you, unless it is love and nature. Lots of love and lots of nature together is even better for you physically and mentally. Families and friends, together, outside exploring nature seems to be on everyone's…