Carcross Desert

Park Size: 260 hectare
Park Amenities:

The sand dunes are busy year round. During the summer months the dunes are popular for activities like sandboarding, hiking, ATVing and off roading. In the winter the dunes are covered with snow which tends to attract activities like cross country skiing, snowmobiling and snowboarding.
The sand dunes are the last remains of a glacial lake left behind from the ice age. The lake now gone, left the sand exposed to the elements. The sand dunes are still going through changes as the winds blow hard off of Bennett Lake rearranging the dunes, making life extra hard on the plant life.
The plants that do live in the Carcross Desert are tough. Some are protected species. All are able to survive the harsh conditions.
Some of the plants in the desert include Lodgepole Pine Trees, Kinnikinnick, Blue-eyed Mary , Mutton Grass, Nelson's Needle-grass, Arctic Aster, Rosy Pussytoes, Alaskan Wild Rye, Showy Jacob's-ladder, Alaskan Locoweed and Three-toothed Saxifrage.
Explore Carcross Desert in Carcross, Southern Lakes, Yukon Territories, Canada