By Sarah Stewart on Wednesday, 05 January 2022
Category: Adventure Seekers

Enjoying Canadian Winters

How to Get Out and Enjoy Winter in Canada

Making the Most of the Weather 

Canadian Winters - Have you ever heard the saying, "There's no bad weather, only dressing badly for the weather"? I am someone who, historically, does not love the cold. This is a bit unfortunate for me, as I was born in Canada and it's cold here for at least fifty percent of the year. As a matter of fact, every single year around mid-fall I make countless plans to enjoy winter activities. For example, I think about going to winter festivals. I plan trips out with the kids to go cross country skiing or snowshoeing. And then the cold comes and I abandon it all! However, a few years ago, something began to change. At this time, a friend gave me a nice, warm jacket and it all clicked - "There's no bad weather, only dressing badly for the weather!"

"Scarves, mittens, and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather." 

Brad Goreski

My Feelings on Canadian Winters

I started to get out a bit more in the wintertime. Winterlude, why not? Dog sledding, absolutely! Sledding with the kids, heck yeah! Once I realized that the cold was tolerable if I just dressed properly, the options opened up. However, if I'm being honest, I still avoided the outside in the winter way more than any good Canadian should.

Regardless of my former reservations, this is the year that all of that changes! I am an Adventure Seeker, and adventures don't stop in the winter, especially in Canada! If it weren't for Covid, I would make a point of it to take my family to winter festivals across Canada, but since that's not an easy option this year, we're making winter fun near home. 

Our Plans to Brave Canada in the Winter

For starters, this year we'll be doing the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge, which will get each member of the family outside in nature for a total of a thousand hours throughout the year and, guess what - that's tricky to do if you stay inside all winter!

We're only at the beginning of January, but we've already made an effort. For example, at the very beginning of the year, we went on a hike to Mud Lake. We've certainly been to mud lake before, but this was my first time exploring in the winter. It reminded me how much I love to look closely at nature, and I was actually surprised at how many tiny nature treasures I found in only an hour. There were lichens, my absolute favourite, in a myriad of colours all adorning the tree branches. There was fungi galore, making me think that we may have a very mushroom-loaded spring ahead. We even saw the footprints or a small mammal who had hurried through the snow! Our first outing in the winter of 2022 was a definite success. Of course, it was only -2 degrees Celsius, so a positively balmy day in a Canadian winter. 

What About the ​Real​ Cold?

Next, I gave myself a real challenge. I desperately wanted to go downtown to see Christmas Lights Across Canada with a good friend and take photos together. We set a date, and then I looked at the temperature the day before… -20 degrees. Yikes, Canadian winters. That is not Sarah weather. Unfortunately, my friend was about to fly away to Costa Rica for two months, so it was a now or never sort of situation. And off we went. Into the cold. And it hurt my face. But guess what? I also had a great time with someone I care about. On top of that, the light show on Parliament Hill was so cool that it was absolutely worth freezing my hands off to take photos of. And maybe that's what braving the Canadian winter is all about - finding really awesome things to do with people that make you happy.

Making the Best of Winter in Canada

So, here is my challenge to you - I'll be getting outside as much as possible and enjoying all Canada has to offer this year, and I would love for you to do the same! Find the most amazing winter activities near you and make an experience of it, or just grab someone you care about and enjoy the serenity of walking in the snow. In 2022, let's all make the most of the Canadian winter and get out there adventuring!

Enjoying Canadian Winters 

Making the Most of the Winter in Canada

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