Marina Park

Park Amenities:

Marina Park is a waterfront destination most popular for its sightseeing, marina and walking paths.
The park is located on the shores of Lake Superior in the community of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Thunder Bay is part of the North of Superior region of Northern Ontario, Canada.
The park grounds and the paved and boardwalk pathways provide sightseeing opportunities of the Sleeping Giant and of the local marine activity. There are various lookout platforms and sightseeing benches for viewing located along the waterfront paths.
The Marina Park walking pathways lead to attractions like the old CN Train, art sculptures and a skateboard and BMX Park. Decorating the paths and park with colors are an assortment of flower gardens, grass lawns and flags waving in the breeze.
The park grounds include water fountains, a band shelter, a children's play area, a statue, a duck pond, sightseeing benches, washrooms and a day use picnic area with picnic tables. Nearby are restaurants, retail stores and gift shops.
For boaters the Prince Arthur's Landing Marina located in Marina Park is a resting stop and full service boating supply and maintenance destination complete with gas, moorage, boat launch, laundromat, showers, power and pumpouts.
Marina Park is one of the more visited parks in the urban areas of Thunder bay, Ontario. The easy access and proximity of the park make it an ideal location for may of the community's special events and festivals.
Explore Marina Park, Thunder Bay, Ontario, North of Superior, Canada