Wreck Beach

Park Amenities:

The clothing optional beach measures 7 kilometres long and is accessed by many trails. Trail 6 (main entrance) is a long series of steps climbing up and down the side of a 200 foot high cliff shrouded in forest. Other trails accessing the beach include Trail 3, 4, 6 and 7.
The wilderness setting of Wreck Beach gives visitors the impression they are far away from the city lights and sounds. The surrounding cliffs and the thick forest of trees provide patrons visiting Wreck Beach an element of privacy, security and comfort from any and all curious onlookers.
The Wreck Beach sandy shores stretch from the west end of the Spanish Banks to the Musqueam Reserve. The beach sits on a peninsula wedged between English Bay and the North Arm of the Fraser River.
Services on Wreck Beach include food vendors and toilets. There are no lifeguards on the beach.
Many of the shop keepers serve their goods and services nude. There are food and drink vendors, crafts, gifts, artists and even a massage therapist who is willing to give pedicures.
Explore Wreck Beach in Downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada