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 Honeymoon Bay Ecological Reserve

Lake Cowichan

British Columbia

Park Size: 6 hectares

Difficulty: Easy - Family
Park Amenities:

Honeymoon Bay Ecological Reserve (formerly known as the Sutton Creek Wildflower Reserve) is best explored in the spring season when flowers are blooming. Within the 6 hectare reserve is a self guided walking trail for accessing viewing areas over looking any of the many species of flowers in the reserve. The reserve is managed by Western Forest Industries. 

Some of the species include the  largest known concentration of pink fawn lilies, as well as, Star Flower, Yellow Woods Violet, False Soloman’s Seal, Large Flowered Fairy Bell, Meadow Rue, False Lily-of-the-Valley, Twisted Stalk, Star flowered Solomons Seal,  Coltsfoot, Toothwort, Wild Bleeding Heart and others.


Honeymoon Bay Ecological Reserve
South Shore Road
Lake Cowichan

How To Get ToHoneymoon Bay Ecological Reserve

The Honeymoon Bay Ecological Reserve is located 2.5 km west of Honeymoon Bay village on South Shore Road. The reserve is on the left. Park on the roadside and walk in.
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