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Event Marketing Your Canadian Business

Marketing with Events : Content Marketing

“Post an event and you instantly begin promoting your community, your tourism business, blog, photography, or art and now you are the “go to” source to work with or book with for that event.”

How To Market with Events Training Video

Imagine your favorite event held in your community is actually advertising your Tourism Business, Blog, Art or Photography Studio. Well, now with our Content Contribution Event Marketing Feature, you can. Every event you contribute to our Event Calendar on eh Canada Travel will market, promote, feature and link to your advertising and your Member Profile on our website. It is like creating a free ad!

Posting the event a year in advance will actually advertise your services for an entire year and because you are a paying Member of this marketing tool is free to use. (Not a Member sign up now). All you have to do is post the event. It  only takes a few minutes to complete and you have created an ad marketing your services for an entire year.

Sign in to the website using your USER NAME and PASSWORD you created when you joined up with us. Click the “MY PROFILE” link on the top of the page. On the top of the screen of your Member Profile is an event link. Click that. On the top right hand corner of the Event page is a “Create Event” button – click that and you come to a data input screen.

Start inputting the data in the required fields. Once you have added all the information click enter. That is it. You have now created an event and your business is now published on the same page as the event identifying you as the contributing source, expert, supporter – call it what you will – you are the “go to” business, blog, etc for this event now.

Event Information Page


Once the event is posted it is in play. Because we are a live interactive travel and adventure website your event is now published on the front page of Canada and on the front page of every province and territory via the “LIVE COMMUNITY STREAMS”.

Event Marketing posted on Live Community Stream


Plus… your event will be posted along with other events in the calendar and on the front page of Canada and the provinces and territories when it is 1 of the next 3 most current events.

Front Page Event Marketing


So lets look at a scenario for an example. Say you operate a hotel and in the past your hotel accommodated many people during this said event. Why not piggyback that event then and market your hotel. It makes so much sense. Well… now you can. Imagine if your hotel was the “go to” source featured on an event posting for an entire year. You do the math. That is great exposure.

If you are not a participating and supporting Member Business, Blog, Photographer, Art Studio then this feature is not available to you. To start to take advantage of all the content contribution features including events you need to sign up today, so you can create your ad and Member Profile and start participating.

Here is a link to sign up: .

Start adding Events today and market your business for the duration of the event. If the event is a year away. Even better as you will receive a year of exposure until the event date has arrived. Good luck and happy event posting.

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