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“What Do You Like Best About Canada in 1 Word?”

“What Do You Like Best About Canada?”

“We are a country of NATURE, embracing our FREEDOMS, surrounded by WILDERNESS and celebrating DIVERSITY.”

“What Do You Like Best About Canada in 1 Word?” This was the survey question we posed to thousands of people on social media over the month of November 2015. We did not put any restrictions on the question. No, we left it very open ended so people could answer as they saw fit.

Such a simple question revealed so much about Canadians and the people who have traveled to Canada. We found that world events and the Remembrance Day holidays may have had an impact on a few of the answers received. It would be interested to hold the same survey say around Valentine’s Day or Halloween to see how the results differ.

Canadians provided, in some cases, different answers than non Canadians. We saw that non Canadians provided passionate and appreciative answers. In some instances you could hear the jealousy in their explanations. It was as if they know how lucky we are and understood all the benefits we, sometimes, take for granted.

“What Do You Like Best About Canada in 1 Word?” Survey

When it came to Canadians their answers were all over the map. Some answers were personal and heartfelt. Some were very specific to their line of work. Some passionate, some self serving, some humorous. Some could not decide so they provided more than one word. It really was a mixed bag of results filled with very valuable feedback for our line of work.

For the month of November, 2015 we asked over 10,000+ followers on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ this very simple question. Of those who participated, our gratitude goes out to you. Thank you. So here are the anticipated results! (Below is a graphic of all the answers as well).

“What Do You Like Best About Canada in 1 Word?”

THE #1 ANSWER was NATURE with 9.1% of the votes!
Coming in a close 2nd was FREEDOM with 8.9% of the votes.

The TOP 4 answers to what people liked BEST about CANADA accounted for 31.8% of all the votes. Here is a break down of the TOP 10

  1. Nature 9.1%
  2. Freedom 8.9%
  3. Wilderness / Backcountry 6.9%
  4. Diversity 6.9%
  5. People / Canadians 4.7%
  6. Vast/Space 3.6%
  7. Beautiful 3.3%
  8. Adventures / Activities 2.9%
  9. Landscape 2.7%
  10. Polite / Friendliness 2.5%

As you can see the combination of the Top 10 results painted a very beautiful picture of what is BEST ABOUT CANADA.

We hope this survey is a good reminder to all people living in Canada of the many benefits we enjoy here in Canada.This survey solidifies our beliefs that the environment, our freedoms, the people and our diversity is what makes Canada a very special country. It is a special place in the world. We hope we will continue to be welcoming to all who arrive in Canada and to those who now call Canada home.

In conclusion there were a few instances which we were disappointed. We asked ourselves, “How can this one simple survey question about the best thing in Canada piss people off?” Yes, it is true. Some thought our question was an intrusion in their social media lives, and flung hostility our way and some even unfollowed us. Which is a good thing as we want no part of them. The survey question was, in many forms, a measuring stick of ignorance, egos and a great way to weed out bad people. Life is too short to be angry.

We love this country. We cherish every day in this country. We take great pride in promoting this country as a top travel destination. We speak openly and value our freedoms to do so, even if it gets us in trouble sometimes. We are proud to be Canadian and cherish every opportunity to talk about the great people in this country. Canadians matter!

Our survey results sums it up the best, “We are a country of NATURE, embracing our FREEDOMS, surrounded by WILDERNESS and celebrating DIVERSITY.”



********* (eh Canada Travel & Adventure) is the largest travel and adventure website for booking, interacting and planning travel in Western and Northern Canada. The “eh Team” of eh Canada Travel & Adventure are a group of travel explorers, called Tourism Ambassadors, who research and write articles, take photos, create videos researching the many opportunities in travel, tourism, history and adventure in Canada.

We are currently expanding into Eastern and Atlantic Canada.

PLEASE mention eh Canada Travel during your travels.
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