The Forks National Historic Site of Canada



Park Size: 5.5-hectare
Park Amenities:
X Country Skiing
Dog Walking
Interpretive Centre
Interpretive Signs
Live Music
Park Office
General Store
Wheelchair Access

The Forks National Historic Site of Canada is the main centre of activity and the prominent historical site located in the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The historic site is located at the confluence of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers.

The Forks enjoys a long history because of the two rivers. Both rivers were, at one time, a prime transportation route explored by the First Nation People. They would travel the rivers to hunt, collect berries, fish and move from summer to winter villages.

The Assiniboine and Red Rivers connected to a vast and far reaching network of rivers. After the arrival of the Europeans it did not take them long to establish the river network as a vital trade route and a "Gateway to the Canadian West".
The Forks National Historic Site of Canada Photos
The rivers were busy transportation routes providing access to forts, trading posts, hunting grounds and villages. It was because the rivers were such vital transportation routes that it did not take long for settlements and strategic forts to appear along their river banks. What is now the Forks National Historic Site of Canada was once the site of Fort Rouge, Fort Gibraltar and two versions of Fort Garry.

Today... the 5.5-hectare (9 acre) Forks National Historic Site of Canada is the main destination in the City of Winnipeg for events, festivals, concerts, rallies, announcements and celebrations.

The Forks is also a major centre visited by travelers for services, facilities and activities. There are restaurants, art, culture, award-winning sculptures, shopping, outdoor vendors, information centre, tours, guides, sightseeing, attractions, washrooms and entertainment like artists and musicians.

The more popular attractions when visiting The Forks in the City of Winnipeg include the Forks Market, Oodena Celebration Circle, Sightseeing Tower, Manitoba Children's Museum, Johnstone Terminal, Riverside Amphitheatre, Peace Meeting Site, Environment Canada Weather Station, Forks Historic Dock, Parks Canada Information Centre and the 1907 VIA Train Station.

Other activities and adventure destinations located in the Forks National Historic Site of Canada include the Esplanade Riel Bridge, Broadway Promenade, the Riverwalks, Prairie Gardens, the sightseeing viewpoint overlooking the confluence of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers and the Assiniboine River docks.

The Assiniboine River dock was once the port used by First Nation canoes and trading vessels. Here, a long time ago, the Forks Historic Port welcomed sternwheelers and York Boats filled with goods and supplies destined for forts and nearby villages. Today... there are canoes and a boat cruise which provide sightseeing tours with interpretive guides.

There are numerous walking paths exploring the Forks National Historic Site of Canada. Along many of the paths are information signs, site maps and interpretive billboards detailing the history of the region. In certain areas there are carvings, sculptures and art exhibits lining the paths.

Pathways worthy of your time are the Red and Assiniboine Riverwalks and the Broadway Promenade. The Riverwalks are paved walkways following the banks of rivers. The Broadway Promenade is a recreation pathway connecting the Esplanade Riel Pedestrian Bridge with the Union Train Station.

During the winter months, the Red and Assiniboine Rivers transform into ice rinks and xc ski trails.

The Forks National Historic Site of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


The Forks National Historic Site of Canada
Forks Market Road

How To Get ToThe Forks National Historic Site of Canada

From Downtown Winnipeg, near City Hall, travel northeast on King Street towards James Avenue. Next you need to take right onto James Avenue and then another right onto Main Street. Continue on Main Street until you take a left onto William Stephenson Way. Continue until you turn right (travel south) on Waterfront Drive and then you must take a left onto Forks Market Road.
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